Mincsovics Miklós előadása a Farkas Miklós Alkalmazott Analízis Szemináriumon


We kindly invite you to the Miklós Farkas Seminar.


9 November (Thursday) 10:05 !!!, BME H306

Note that this time we start a little bit earlier. Also note that we do not have a seminar on 2 November.


Miklós Mincsovics (BME, Department of Differential Equations)

What is the difference between weakly and strongly stable linear multistep methods?

There are two main approaches to explain the differences between them. The first one relies on the role of the parasitic roots (this is what we usually teach). The second one is more indirect and based on the general definition of stability. Spijker was the first who presented a norm pair in which the midpoint method is not stable. This example can be extended to the general weakly stable case. Finally, we upgrade this latter approach keeping its advantages and eliminating its weak point.


The organizers

(István Faragó, János Karátson, Róbert Horváth, Miklós Mincsovics)

Visit the homepage of the seminar: http://math.bme.hu/AlkAnalSzemi