Szeretettel meghívjuk Béres Ferenc előadására
az Adatelemzés és Optimalizálás szeminárium keretében
2020. december 10-én csütörtökön 14:15 órai kezdettel
Az előadás online formában lesz megtartva.
Előadás címe: Ethereum user deanonymization with node embeddings
Előadó: Béres Ferenc, SZTAKI, Informatikai Kutatólaboratórium
In the last few years, several representation learning methods have been proposed that are capable of embedding nodes in a vector space in a way that captures the network structure.
These node embedding methods were applied successfully for multi-label classification and link prediction in a variety of real-world networks from diverse domains.
In the first part of the presentation I will introduce some of the most popular node embedding models (e.g. DeepWalk, node2vec). While in the second part as an application, I will present our latest results on the deanonymization power of node embeddings in the Ethereum cryptocurrency network.