Qualitatively reliable numerical models of time-dependent problems

2017. 09. 21. 10:15
BME H épület 306-os terem
Dr. Faragó István





  Szeretettel várjuk a Farkas Miklós Alkalmazott Analízis Szemináriumra


         2017. szeptember 21. (csütörtök) 10:15, BME H306



Faragó István (BME Diferenciálegyenletek tsz., ELTE)

Qualitatively reliable numerical models of time-dependent problems

In the modeling process we construct mathematical and numerical models. Both models should preserve the basic (physically, biologically, etc. motivated) qualitative properties of the original phenomena. In this talk this problem will be discussed. We examine the different qualitative properties (maximum principles, non-negativity preservation, maximum norm contractivity) for both models and we show the relation between them for the linear problems. For the numerical models we give the condition for the construction of the mesh under which the above qualitative properties are valid. The results will be demonstrated in different real-life problems. The main attention will be focused to the heat conduction problem. Briefly we discuss the compartmental epidemic models which take into the account the space dependence, and also some simple discrete Lotka-Volterra models.


A szervezők

(Faragó István, Karátson János, Horváth Róbert, Mincsovics Miklós)

A szeminárium honlapja: http://math.bme.hu/AlkAnalSzemi